Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Bitte Schön
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The Luckiest Unlucky Day of my Life
15 July 2011. Scheduled to leave Frankfurt Airport at 17:20 for Madrid, Spain. Everything’s planned the night before. When I get out of school, several options for catching the train to the airport, when my plane leaves, when it arrives, and when and where I find my hostel. I get out of school at 13:00. I have the option of catching a train at 13:04 (too early), 14:04 (too late), or 13:34 (just perfect). 13:34 was so perfect, in fact, that I had time to run by the bookstore and pick up a special order (a French-German picture dictionary – what? Don’t give an aspiring polyglot access to pretty reference books.)
So I parked my bike outside the Hauptbahnhof and strolled inside, contemplating whether I had time to grab something to eat or if I should wait for the train. I stayed put and the train ride went smoothly. I arrived at Frankfurt Flughaven at 14:45. I boarded my plane… oh, wait, no I didn’t. Because there are two Frankfurt airports. The other one was only accessible by a 13 euro bus.
I wasn’t even in the right terminal to catch the bus to go to the right airport. So I hopped a shuttle to the other terminal and went inside to look for a red-shirted employee to ask for directions. Couldn’t find one. Minutes go by. Go back outside. Ask a man. Says, “yeah it’s the N-25 and it blah blah blah, oh that’s it, right there! (Points to one of many white buses). It’s the white bus.” Guh. I get in line for the bus he pointed at. Wait a few minutes. Not the right bus. Head to the correct bus; walking not running. If I miss it, no big deal, right? Buses come every 10 minutes, and I have two hours. Only, the sign says this bus ride is 1.5 hours. That can’t be right? Read it again. It’s right.
So I get to the Frankfurt Hahn Airport (the most liberal use of the word “airport” that was ever blogged) five minutes after my gate closed. Found the German TSA-inspection. Hand over my boarding pass. “You must go through Passport check.”
I hate planes.
17:07. Gate closed seventeen minutes ago. Thirteen minutes to departure. Line for passport check hasn’t moved in five minutes. Stop an employee. Explain to him my situation, and he expedites the check. Run to the TSA. Run to the gate. The “closed” gate is still open with 20 people in line. I made it. I made my plane. I cannot explain how unhopeful I was. For a good 30 minutes, I really thought I was going to have to catch a bus back to Frankfurt and a thirteen hour train to Madrid or not go at all. I made it.
So. Much. Win.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Weekend 6: Amsterdam Part II
We walked around the city. I was quite cocky, as I had been there before. We made a point to the I AMsterdam sign and we got lost on the way. It was a short day, as Kelley left that night, and Shelby and I had a hotel outside of the city. All in all, we had a good time. I really like the city.
Amsterdam Part II Pictures
Amsterdam Part II BGs

Taking Pictures
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Die Noodle Sind Grün Noch
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
My Hair
Extra Credit
Because I aim for higher than Bs, I started asking what I could do to help my grade. Apparently, I can do a presentation every day until I leave. Done. Tomorrow, 15 minute lecture on Japanese. So that's what I'm up to.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
The Fourth in Germany
Celebrated Independence Day on the American military base in Heidelberg. I couldn't stop smiling. (Profanity at the end - so you know, keep it down or turn it off a few seconds before the end.)
Monday, July 4, 2011

One of my favorite things about travelling to a different city every weekend is the train ride. I know this doesn’t seem like it is much fun, but if you like TV and organizing files on your computer as much as I do, it’s a good time. Best of all, I just recently figured out that I don’t need to spend 4.5 euros per trip for a seat reservation. I just get on whatever train I want (with my 15 day pass, it doesn’t matter where I go or what train I take) and sit in the floor by the door. If you sit on the correct side, you don’t have to get up when the train makes a stop. The floor is more comfortable and I have more room. So much win.
Also, the train I caught to go back to Heidelberg from Munich – I caught it 4 minutes before it left, 40 minutes after I decided to leave. That is so satisfying – to just jump on a train and travel somewhere, not needing directions or help deciding which train to take.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Weekend 5: München (Munich)
I woke up early on Saturday and caught a bus to the Munich HBF, where I joined a Dachau Concentration Camp tour. It was 20 minutes away by train. The train station that we traveled to was the same building that many prisoners arrived in. The original building is still there, and very representative of Nazi architecture. Dachau was… I can’t describe it. The tour was very interesting, but it’s hard to say that I had a good time. I’m glad I saw it. I walked in a gas chamber (it is disputed as to whether this one was ever used), which says “shower” in German above the door. I saw the ovens, crematorium, and the wall where most of the prisoners were murdered if they didn’t die of starvation or disease. Needless to say, my weekend wasn’t one of cupcakes and puppy dogs and smiles.
Something you maybe wouldn’t know unless you visited the site: the surrounding areas are residential. Some houses even overlook the camp from their top floors. Many of the houses in the town were built for camp refugees after the war.
After that, I walked another tour of downtown Munich, one called the Hitler and the Third Reich Tour. We saw the first headquarters of the Nazi Party, which now has an Apple store in the ground floor. We walked in the beer hall where Hitler had the first meeting of the Nazi Party (it has huge chandeliers and flags hanging from poles off the walls; see pictures). I walked by Hitler’s offices (now a very prestigious music school), and I saw a lot of rally points made famous by photographs and newsreels. My guide also pointed out the café where Hitler drank coffee or tea or something and plotted his rise to power every afternoon.
After the tours, I got dinner at an Italian joint. Met up with Beth who was also in town and we had drinks at a place I learned about on the tour – an old after-work pub for Nazi Bureaucrats. I went back to my hostel. Woke up on Sunday late and made my way to the Nymphenburg Schloß (castle), in front of which was a large pond with some very greedy swans. They thought the trash I had was food and barked at me for a while. They almost bit someone. Located in the castle was the Museum of Nature and Men, which was very interesting.
Munich General Pictures
Dachau Pictures
Museum of Nature and Men Pictures