Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm still entirely unprepared for this trip. I mean, I'm partly packed, and I have a cute new dress, but my German is still pretty sketchy. I know how to conjugate regular verbs, and that's about it. The thing is, when I get there, I need to test out of the first two semesters via an oral exam, or I'll have to take two extra classes when I get back to the states. It is possible for me to ask to be placed in a higher class, but I'll confront that if I get there. In the meantime, instead of studying Deutsch, I've successfully downloaded and critiqued the new Gaga album, marathoned the first season of Lost Girl, and looked over my French, Japanese, and Italian notes - just in case I meet a Japanese-speaking German.

In summary:
[X] - figured out what's so charming about Rizzoli & Isles
[X] - cleaned my room
[X] - pilled up my German books by my bed
[X] - learned the lyrics to Gaga's "Scheiße"
[X] - watched the Lion King in German
[ ] - studied German

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